Prizes are awarded in the following categories:


  1.   Scientific and research papers in nuclear physics;
  2.   Scientific and research papers in condensed matter physics;
  3.   Applied and scientific-methodological papers;
  4.   Experimental papers, not related to the categories 1, 2, 3.


To participate in the competition, one should by January 25, 2021 till 10:00 send published papers to the address of the scientific secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and annotations for work cycles additionally.  In the text of the e-mail, it is necessary to indicate the name of the work or the cycle of work in Russian and English, as well as the surname and name of all co-authors (in full) in Russian and English. 


The papers published or accepted for publication before December 31, 2020 are adopted for the competition.

From November 30 to December 2, the conference of young scientists and specialists of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics was held in the online format. The participants made reports on the works results within the Youth Grants of the JINR Association of Young Scientists and Specialists, as well as presented their applications for I.M. Frank and F.L. Shapiro scholarships, and AYSS Youth Grants for the next year.


It was decided to award I.M. Frank scholarships to the following nominees:

You can connect to the online conference using the link

Meeting number: 817 3927 9203

Password: 691846